On Monday 30 January 2006 15.35, ellotheth rimmwen wrote:
> On 1/29/06, Dan Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Fatal error: Call to undefined function ctype_print()
> > in
> > /var/www/localhost/htdocs/squirrelmail/plugins/gpg/gpg_hook_functions.php
> > on line 842
> Did you compile PHP5 with support for the character type functions
> (USE="ctype")?

Now I have (;-) But I get the same result.

Here is an output of "emerge --verbose --pretend dev-lang/php"
[ebuild   R   ] dev-lang/php-5.0.5-r5  -adabas -apache +apache2 -bcmath 
-berkdb -birdstep +bzip2 -calendar -cdb -cgi -cjk +cli +crypt +ctype -curl 
-curlwrappers -db2 -dba -dbase -dbmaker -debug -discard-path -doc -empress 
-empress-bcs -esoob -exif -fdftk -filepro -firebird -flatfile 
-force-cgi-redirect -frontbase -ftp -gd -gd-external -gdbm -gmp +hardenedphp 
-hyperwave-api -iconv +imap -informix -inifile -interbase -iodbc -ipv6 
-java-external -kerberos +ldap -libedit -mcve -memlimit +mhash -ming 
-mnogosearch -msql -mssql +mysql -mysqli +ncurses +nls -oci8 
-oci8-instant-client -odbc -oracle7 -ovrimos -pcntl +pcre -pdo-external 
-pfpro -pic -posix -postgres -qdbm +readline -recode -sapdb -sasl +session 
-sharedext -sharedmem -simplexml -snmp -soap -sockets -solid +spell -spl 
-sqlite +ssl -sybase -sybase-ct -sysvipc -threads -tidy -tiff -tokenizer 
-truetype -wddx +xml -xmlrpc -xpm -xsl -yaz -zip +zlib 0 kB

Do I miss an USE-flag for ctype_print() to function correctly?

Dan Johansson, <http://www.dmj.nu>
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