Uwe Thiem wrote:
>On 25 January 2006 06:46, Tom Smith wrote:
>>I read something some time ago that suggested if you transfer a
>>compressed file over a compressed SFTP connection, for example, that it
>>would take longer to transfer the data versus if only the data or the
>>connection was compressed. The reason, as I recall, had to do with
>>compressing already compressed data--this apparently created some
>>overhead on the connection.
>What is a compressed sftp connection?
In ssh, sftp, scp you can use the -C option to enable compression. This
simply (de)compresses, on the fly, the data being transferred between
the client and the server computer. It's generally suggested for use
over slow connections (such as dial-ups) but I've experienced
performance improvements in X11 forwarding, and some data transfers,
when using it.
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