On 1/22/06, Etaoin Shrdlu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sunday 22 January 2006 16:57, Mark Knecht wrote:
> > Is there no 'kde-light' to get me the environment without all the
> > zillions of apps, etc.?
> Yes, with kde split ebuilds it's actually possible to build a "light" kde
> system. Just emerge kdebase-startkde and build from there adding the
> apps you need (usually, kicker, konsole and konqueror are enough to give
> you an usable desktop, but I must admit that the notion of "usable" is
> very subjective; anyway, I hope you get the idea).
> In fact, you can have a functional kde desktop by installing no more than
> 20-30 applications among the "zillions" you mentioned before :)

Thanks. It does help.

And I hope it's clear I'm not picking on KDE. I have no reason to. I
don't run a full version of Gnome either. It's great to know that
there's a reasonably simple way to get a reduced version of KDE.


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