On 13:04 Fri 20 Jan     , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Based on your post to my other thread I've been looking at the drives you 
> mentioned.  What do you know about the WD Caviar drives?  They are cheaper 
> than the Raptors.
> > 
I try to avoid Western Digital in general, except for the Raptors.  I had
bad experiences with them when teaching Windows networking.

The Raptors are expensive because of the speed, 10,000 rpm vs. 7,200 rpm.
They are supposed to be built more ruggedly, an attempt by Western Digital
to steal some of high profit SCSI market. I can only say I've been running
them for a year or more, and they have performed flawlessly.

For slower drives, I prefer Seagate, because of their reputation. Don't
know if they are really that much better. See:


The other brand I avoid is IBM Deskstars, aka Deathstars. The brand has
moved to Hitachi, I believe. They had so many problems, it was killing
their business. I think they may have done some re-engineering, maybe
they are "not bad" now, but I don't trust them anymore.

Good luck.

Bill Roberts

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