On Tuesday 10 January 2006 06:51, a tiny voice compelled Christian Floeter to 
> Richard Fish wrote:
> > On 1/9/06, Christian Floeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>BTW, sane-find-scanner always finds my scanner, it's scanimage that
> >> doesn't.
> >
> > Ok, sounds like a sane configuration or installation issue, not really
> > a system problem.  Let's try something with scanimage:
> >
> > strace -f -e open scanimage -L 2>&1 | grep -e lib -e /etc -e
> > /proc/bus/usb
> Problem solved! :)
> strace listed the following line:
> open("/var/lib/lock/sane/LCK..libusb:004:016", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL,
> 0644) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
> I found that /var/lib/lock had permissions 660, so I changed it to 775
> and the scanner was correctly found as user. Surely something the ebuild
> should have done for me... :-/
> Thanks Richard for your help. strace really is a tool worth remembering
> for.
> While we're here, I have to say that I'm still not that lucky with my
> LiDE 25 scanner. When scanning under Linux, the output shows vertical
> stripes, whereas under Windoze the output is faultless. Can something be
> done about it? What about other LiDE's out there?
> C.

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