> I just tried to access YahooGroups with my account,
> and like you, after 
> loggin in, it tells me that the refresh doesn't
> work, and bumps me to
> the front page. 
> But if I hit ^R to reload the front page, it now
> shows me as logged in.
> I think the problem is that the websites are sending
> refresh command that
> links doesn't understand. And when you manually try
> to click the link
> given, it assumes it was the same page (same
> address, you visited just
> 10 seconds ago), so loads it from cache. 

^R doesn't work. Neither does links

> HTH, 
> W
> -- 
> I always took a cup of tea with me to chemistry
> class, 
> and I know Dr. Pearshall won't mind, because she is 
> British.
>    ~S
> Sortir en Pantoufles: up 30 days, 22:08
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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