Am Donnerstag, 17. November 2005 10:26 schrieb ext Jorge Almeida:

> I have a USB memory stick and an external USB box with an IDE disk.
> I configured udev to assign device names to both items, or so I thought.
> The external box is plugged, the memory stick isn't.
> The problem is: the device for the box is not created, and the memstick
> device exists but represents the box, not the stick. I read

Some questions:

What's your udev and kernel version?

Did you configure your kernel to use USB storage (if in doubt, post your 
kernel config)?

Does the system detect the devices when you plug them in (post the last few 
lines of dmesg output after plugging in each device)

What does udevinfo -a -p $(udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdX) tell you (replace X 
with the appropriate letter for each device)?

Maybe we can sort this out.


Dirk Heinrichs          | Tel:  +49 (0)162 234 3408
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