On 19/12/2024 15:46, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
I amn't absolutely sure what started writing stuff onto /dev/nvme1n1p2,
but I strongly suspect it was systemd-boot, still.  I'm sure that on my
old machine it was bootctl install that wrote the executable file onto
the EFI partition that WASN'T mounted as /boot, or even mounted at all.

Bear in mind that gentoo insists on mounting /boot for you, if it exists in fstab. B*****y e***ing stupid if you ask me.

There's a flag that says "don't mount boot", but all that does is scream blue murder and say "if you won't let me mount boot I won't play", before terminating. All I wanted was for it to stick it in the boot DIRECTORY and let me sort things out later :-(

And the alleged workaround promptly caused the kernel compile to crash with "file not found", despite whatever option it was apparently having absolutely nothing to do with where it was supposed to be looking for its files.

So basically, the fact that you THINK /boot isn't mounted means nothing - gentoo will mount it behind your back, and wail blue murder if it can't.


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