On 12/8/24 9:57 AM, Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:
> Greetings,
> off and on my attempts to coax Portage  into installing a binary package
> fail.  Current example: "sys-libs/readline-8.2_p13" was installed as bi-
> nary some  weeks ago,  while my current attempts  to install  "sys-libs/
> readline-8.2_p13-r1" as binary are ignored, "emerge" insists in install-
> ing it as an ebuild.  Same happened with a few more packages.
> I downloaded file "Packages" from my binhost mirror which provides quite
> some information and helped me specifying  the correct USE flags for se-
> veral packages.  But not for all  --  apparently Portage's decicions are
> based on different information.
> Where should I look?

There's no subtlety to where USE flags are stored. They are stored in
the Packages file right where you looked. :)

There are other reasons a binpackage might be ineligible. For example,
if dependencies have changed (including build-time dependencies IIRC)
via ebuild / eclass edits, or when an RDEPEND has a subslot binding
dependency and your installed version of the dependency has been
upgraded, the binpackage won't work (and in a world update, you'd see a
red "r" to indicate that one package is forcing another package to rebuild).

By the way you don't need to download the Packages file manually. It
will be in /var/cache/edb/binhost/ using a directory structure based on
your binhost uri. For example, my cached copy is at:


Eli Schwartz

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