On Tuesday 26 November 2024 16:13:01 GMT Peter Humphrey wrote:
> Greetings,
> [New readers start here...   :) ]
> I've spent several days-worth of my time over the last few weeks in trying
> to get my i5 box to export its portage tree and packages directory to a
> chroot on my M9 machine. I read all the docs, I thought about the help that
> was offered here, I changed file systems and partitions around - everything
> I could think of.
> The answer was simple, and I stumbled over it in a post on Stack Exchange:
> the behaviour of NFS mount calls changed in NFS v4. I didn't need to change
> /etc/ exports on the i5, but the NFS-mount call on the M9 did need to
> change.

Can you please share the link?

> # cat /etc/exports            # on the i5
> /mnt/nfs \
> /mnt/nfs/portage \
> /mnt/nfs/packages \
> $ grep nfs /etc/init.d/nuci           # on the M9. Nuci is the I5
>     mount -t nfs /mnt/nuci/var/db/repos/gentoo
>     mount -t nfs /mnt/nuci/var/cache/packages
> Notice the absence of '/mnt/nfs' from the M9 mount commands. That's what was
> tripping me up all that time.
> Someone needs to have a look at the nfs-utils wiki page. I'd do something
> myself, but how? I raised a bug against a document once, only to be rebuked.

I had (another) look at the wiki.  You're right, it seems to describe NFSv3 
only.  I don't have NFSv3 here to compare.  With NFSv4 you export the global 
root directory to allow its subdirectories to be exported too - at least this 
is how I understand it works on my systems.

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