
normally I just hibernate my laptop  and rarely reboot  or shut it down.
But after building kernel 6.6.58-1  I did of course reboot,  or rather I
tried,  because the laptop either stalled or went into an infinite loop.
Long pressing the power key did bring the system down, and switching the
laptop on again did bring it up, so I could at least investigate.

In syslog I found two suspect lines:

   Failed to execute /usr/bin/reboot: No such file or directory
   Failed to execute /usr/bin/poweroff: No such file or directory

If I'm not mistaken, these are the locations used by "systemd",  but I'm
running "openrc" which installs these two binaries into "/sbin/".   So I
created these two symbolic links in "/usr/bin/"  pointing into "/sbin/".
However, running "shutdown" still stalled or went into an infinite loop,
though without complaining in syslog about not finding "reboot" and "po-

What eventually helped  on top of the two symbolic links  was rebuilding
package "sys-apps/openrc-0.54.2" with additional USE flag "+sysv-utils".
However,  I don't regard these additional two symbolic links  (which are
still required) as a real fix but rather as some sort of band-aid.

Mind that all this is not necessarily a problem with the new kernel ver-
sion.   It may just have surfaced now  because I wanted  to boot the new
kernel.   So, what am I missing?  Some news item?  Some new USE flag for
some package I have meanwhile installed or upgraded?   Some new configu-
ration variable in some configuration file?   Some new kernel parameter?
A bug?  I checked the list  of open bugs against "sys-apps/openrc",  but
was missing any sort of deja vu.

Any pointers appreciated.


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