I have a 4Tb hard disk half full of videos and photos my daughter took with her cell phone over the years, shared with Win11 in a dual boot box so it is NTFS-formatted. The disk is backed up on a different EXT4 disk and the backup is performed by (ana)cron via an rsync bash script.

Last evening there was a power outage. When I rebooted in linux the NTFS disk would not mount. OK, just e2fsck the disk and it will fix it, I thought, forgetting that it was an NTFS not EXT. e2fsck -y starts finding and fixing hundreds of issues on the disk, till I get bored, I stop it and reboot into Win11, which chkdsk's it and mounts with no problem in less than 10s.

Finally I realize the huge mistake I had made, allowing e2fsck to delete thousands of otherwise fine clusters/nodes/whatever on a filesystem it does not understand.

But I have a backup, no problem... till I realize the cron job had already run so it had overwritten the old files with the new, corrupt versions.

Fortunately rsync uses the file access date to quickly find potential differences and since the e2fsck did not touch those the backup was still fine.

Later I found that the disk did not mount in linux due to mount not finding anymore the NTFS's UUID that I had in fstab, but it did mount fine with /dev/sdx.

I felt like a triple-idiot.


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