Michael wrote:
> On Tuesday 29 October 2024 15:18:40 GMT Dale wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> I downloaded some files.  I have a few that have some weird names.  Some
>> have those picture type characters.  Some start with a dash, "-".  In
>> some cases I can use wild cards to change them.  Frank gave me some
>> ideas on that off list, while discussing his nifty checksum tool. 
>> Anyway, I ran up on a few that start with a dash, "-", and I can't find
>> a way around that.  The mv command thinks it is me trying to include a
>> option.  It spits out something like this. 
>> mv: unrecognized option '---ne.avi'
>> Some of the other characters I run into look like this. 
>> ����
>> Those I can usually get around with wildcards.  I have not found a way
>> to get around the ones with the dash in front tho.  I tried a single
>> quote, double quote etc but still no worky.  Also, tab completion
>> doesn't help either. 
>> One reason I want to change these, it makes Frank's script puke on my
>> keyboard.  It reacts the same way with Franks script as it does when I
>> try to use cp or mv.  Why someone would name files that way is beyond me. 
>> What is the trick to rename these files?  I've tried mv, Dolphin,
>> Krusader and such.  There has to be a way but I can't figure out what it
>> is.  Heck, I'm not even sure what to search for to find out how to do
>> this. 
>> Thanks. 
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-) 
> In a terminal running bash you can try:
> mv ./-ne.avi newname.avi
> or use a double dash to indicate end of options for the preceding command:
> mv -- -ne.avi newname.avi
> For a GUI-fied application, you can use 'kde-misc/krename'.

Now that is awesome.  The first one works great.  Haven't had the need
to try others yet but figure they would work too.  Finally, I can rename
these files with weird characters.  I never knew a -- meant end of
options before.  Been using Linux for a couple decades and never saw
that info. 

Krename is a tool I use a LOT.  Kinda overkill for this.  It seems
whoever decided to use those characters in file names tends to only put
one or two in a directory.  Usually when I use Krename, I am processing
a lot of files.  Sometimes I'll process 200 files or more.  Awesome tool
tho.  I just use it when it is faster than renaming manually. 

Thanks much. 


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  Anyone storing files long term, you should really consider using
Franks script.  It is a really neat tool. 

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