On 10/23/24 12:15 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:
> Huh. I never knew there was a default (reliable) mirror.  The handbook
> doesn't mention that. It states
>     In order to download source code quickly it is recommended to
>     select a fast, geographically close mirror.  Portage will look in
>     the make.conf file for the GENTOO_MIRRORS variable and use the
>     mirrors listed therein.
> There's no mention that there's a default, and my reading of that
> paragraph is that you are required to have GENTOO_MIRRORS set.  [Yes,
> the section is labelled "optional", but it doesn't read like it's
> optional.]

That is correct -- it is optional because the default isn't really
guaranteed to be fast (especially if *everyone* uses it and no one uses
the other mirrors).

> In the future, I'll leave GENTOO_MIRRORS unset, because it's a PITA to
> have to keep fixing it when a mirror stops working or starts
> responding so slowly.

I suppose you could also just have a cron job that runs mirrorselect
once a week. It's unlikely a mirror will die quite that fast -- usually
they will start to become slow and unreliable first -- and regularly
refreshing the urls means that when a mirror doesn't disappear but does
change its directory structure, you end up with the preferred structure.

But of course the default mirror can work fine as well (albeit often a
bit slowly).

Eli Schwartz

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