On Saturday 7 September 2024 16:27:41 BST Peter Humphrey wrote:
> Greetings,
> A recent thread here reminded me of this utility, and I've run it on four
> machines since the latest perl update. In three cases it all went
> swimmingly, but on the fourth it tried its damnedest to remerge dbus with
> USE=systemd, and so start converting the whole system to systemd. This
> system is almost identical to one of the others.


> I had to put sys-apps/systemd into package.mask, after which perl-cleaner
> ran OK, but emerge -c stumbled over nine packages wanting
> 'dev-lang/perl:0/5.38=', which was the previous version. Next I remerged
> those nine, after which emerge -c removed 98 packages! Most of those seemed
> to be useful only on a GUI system, which this one doesn't have (and those
> 98 shouldn't have been present anyway), so I let it go ahead. The long
> neglected (here) revdep-rebuild didn't want to rebuild anything.
> I really dislike mysteries.

Did you run:

grep systemd -r /etc/portage/

to find out if some USE="systemd" had sneaked in there?  Normally a non-
systemd installation would have USE="-systemd" in /etc/portage/make.conf.

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