On Thursday 5 September 2024 09:36:36 BST Dale wrote:

> I've ran fsck before mounting on every file system so far.  I ran it on
> the OS file systems while booted from the Live image.  The others I just
> did before mounting.  I realize this doesn't mean the files themselves
> are OK but at least the file system under them is OK.

This could put your mind mostly at rest, at least the OS structure is OK and 
the error was not running for too long.

> I'm not sure how
> to know if any damage was done between when the memory stick failed and
> when I started the repair process.  I could find the ones I copied from
> place to place and check them but other than watching every single
> video, I'm not sure how to know if one is bad or not.  So far,
> thumbnails work.  o_O

If you have a copy of these files on another machine, you can run rsync with 
--checksum.  This will only (re)copy the file over if the checksum is 

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