On September 2, 2024 11:43:02 AM PDT, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Joe wrote:
>> On 9/1/24 22:24, Dale wrote:
>>> Joe wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Has anyone got sound working on a Chromebook say 2020-Newer ?
>>>> Could you please tell me the steps.
>>>> Followed this with no luck.
>>>>   <https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1166746-highlight-.html>
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Joe
>>> I use Firefox and Seamonkey myself but if you use KDE and the new
>>> pipewire, make sure you check all volume levels.  Linux, every distro
>>> I've ever used, has the volume muted by default in every sound control
>>> program.  Why they don't default to say 30% or something I don't know.
>>> At least you know the drivers and hardware is working with that setting
>>> and it won't blow up your speakers like it did on Back to the Future in
>>> the beginning of the movie.  Back to pipewire, each app has its own
>>> setting.  You could have other apps turned up to normal and Chrome still
>>> muted or set real low.  Don't forget to check both Devices and
>>> Application tabs in pipewire.  Also, check alsa, Kmix and others as
>>> well.  If any one of them is muted or set to a real low setting, it will
>>> make it look like no sound.  Oh, I use pipewire as my main volume
>>> control.  I set all others to 100% and then use only pipewire from then
>>> on.  That way I only have one place to check.
>> Thanks for the reply
>> So you have actually got sound working on a Chromebook ? I tired i had
>> pipe-wire working but i couldn't change to microphone or line-in or
>> headphones. whatever it was stuck with just speakers.
>> Also i love i3 cause it hides my tabs from the wife lol, She always
>> wants to know what I'm doing.
>> I guess i can give my Chromebook another shot at Gentoo doesn't hurt
>> anything. its currently running sid (Debian)
>> Do you have any guides for pipe-wire or is the wiki the best solution ?
>> Looking for your reply.
>> Thanks
>> Joe
>I don't have a Chromebook.  I just wanted to mention that Linux always
>has sound muted by default on installs.  It has been that way since the
>early 2000's.  It's always something a person has to check before
>getting sound.  It used to be quite common for people to post about not
>having sound and the only problem is, some sound control software is
>muted.  It only takes one to be muted to mute everything.  I remember on
>one of my installs, I had to unmute like three or four pieces of
>software to get sound. 

Greetings everyone.

Finally got sound working on my Chromebook by following this guide. 


This has been a long time coming. Most Gentoo people like tinkering with stuff 
and once something is fixed/resolved you take pleasure in it.

Hope this helps somebody else



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