
As most know, I built a new rig and am sorting out some minor issues. 
Some more annoying than others.  One I been working on, where programs
open or display.  Sometimes when I open a program, it pops up on one of
the other displays.  Sometimes it goes to screen 2 which isn't to bad
since it is above screen 1.  Sometimes, it pops up on screen 3 which is
my TV basically.  I've went into KDE settings, Display & Monitor and
made sure that screen 1 is set to primary at the top of the list.  I
also set my TV to number 2 since on occasion my other monitor may be
turned off.  So, main monitor is at the top of the list as primary, TV
next and second monitor that could be off on occasion is last.  Either
way, I'd like all apps to open on the primary monitor.  I have my video
player set to open on the other TV/monitor/screen another way.  I use
KDE's Special Window settings to handle it. 

One other thing that may provide a clue.  When I plug in a USB stick,
the notification that I plugged something in also shows up on the second
monitor.  I've yet to have it appear by default on my primary screen.  I
always have to click the little icon on the primary which closes the one
on the other monitor and then click again to open it on my main screen. 
When I unplug something, same thing, it pops up on the top monitor.

I've looked at every setting I can find and everything says my main
display is primary.  I've looked at what the randr tools show and it is
correct.  KDE shows it is correct.  I can't figure out why at times when
I open things it goes to the second monitor and other times opens as it
should on the primary monitor.  Or on occasion goes to my TV.  Going to
the TV is most rare.  Only happened a couple times. 

Is there some other place I should look to see if it is set correctly? 
I miss something? 

If you need info, let me know. 


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  Monitor hasn't winked at me since I changed cables.  Sure glad it
wasn't the monitor itself.  :-)  Micheal was right.  Avoid adapters when
possible.  Oh, this new rig has a very idle CPU.  Qbittorrent, Firefox
and other things that made my old rig stay busy, it's almost nothing
now.  Except for when Firefox went nuts on my memory.  :/ 

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