Wol wrote:
> On 18/08/2024 01:31, Dale wrote:
>> Thanks.  Fixed that.  Now to get Wol's problem fixed.  The indent thing.
> Of course, I found it shortly after I posted ... there's a special
> mode for lilypond files which is doing it. So I'll have to file a bug ...
> > means decrescendo
> >> means "end of parallel music expressions" (never mind what that
> means :-)
> But it does make sense to outdent after >> because it's an "end of".
> It does NOT make sense to outdent after "get quieter". So what does it
> do?
> Of course.
> Cheers,
> Wol

You figured it out.  Yay!!!  I was hoping that tip box would yield some
results if nothing else.  Now to help Walter find a UPS.  We just keep
moving forward.  o_O 


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  Bit of a drought here.  Time to water my oak trees so the deer
will have acorns this fall.  Had to replace capacitor in well pump
yesterday.  Uses a cheap Chinese cap so it goes out every few years. 
Ordered extras this time.  O_O 

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