You can just dump the stream directly. Use an at-command or a cron-job to run wget or whatever, and then kill that job when you want the recording to stop. All players I've tried play such a dump just fine.

Den 01.07.2024 15:14, skrev Michael:
On Monday, 1 July 2024 11:39:09 BST Jacques Montier wrote:
Le lun. 1 juil. 2024 à 11:19, John Covici <> a écrit :
Hi.  I am interested in recording an mp3 stream in the background and
being able to specify start/stop time, etc.

I looked at Google, but just found a package called audio-recorder,
but I am not sure its currently maintained and its not in the gentoo

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

          John Covici wb2una


There is arecord from the package media-sound/alsa-utils, there's ffmpeg and
even cvlc if you want/prefer to use CLI tools, but as far as I know they will
all require some scripting to control start/stop time if you're not doing it
manually.  Will probably require transcoding into MP3 from raw PCM audio
capture (e.g. from pcm_s16le).

You could always record over a longer duration and then chop the bits at the
start/end you don't wish to retain.

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