
I just finished a large update on my main rig.  I have a lot of config
files to update and some have new entries that are needed but I don't
want to lose the ones I've already set.  Usually, I just pick the new
one and have a saved copy of the old config to put back my settings. 
This is a lot of config files tho.  I been using dispatch-conf for this
but I've never figured out how to use the diff feature and tell it which
parts I want to keep and what I want to update. 

First, I've looked on the wiki and can't find a howto on using the diff
tool.  Is there a guide on there I can't find?  Second, is there a
better way to do this, a very easy way if you will?  Like maybe a GUI
thing where I use the mouse to select.  It would be nice if it is
something I can easily remember how to do given how rare it is I need to
do a diff of the files. 



:-)  :-) 

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