----------------------- Original message -----------------------
From: Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com>
To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2024 22:07:06 +0200

On 2024-06-05, Wols Lists <antli...@youngman.org.uk> wrote:
On 05/06/2024 13:12, Eli Schwartz wrote:
Which I think is fine, if people want that, but not everyone does, so
delaying the update altogether might be preferable to those people.

Ie people like me who don't give a monkeys about python, and consider it a necessary evil.

I care quite a bit about Python and do a fair amount of developemnt in
Python. Howver, I don't (at this point) give a monkey's about 3.12 vs
3.11, so I'm just going to delay the 3.12 upgrade on all my machines
except for the one where I got stuck after step 1 of the now-famouse
"3 step upgrade process". :)

That one machine seems to be working fine (though it's still missing a
few packages that I removed because the build failed with 3.12). So
I'm going to leave it where it is (possibly reinstalling the missing
packages as I run into the need for them).

At some point, emerge -auvND will complain because some installed
package doesn't support 3.11 any longer — and then I'll upgrade to

Except, if you use Python for development, it's slotted, so you can install any version you need (as long as it's in portage or an overlay).

The issue here is the devs insistence on upgrading to 3.12 before all the packages are ready for this.

In all this, I have yet to see a good reason apart from "Oooh... shiny!"

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