On 4/8/24 07:03, Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:

the upgrade on my old laptop  with two 2.7GHz  Dual-Core Skylake proces-
sors took slightly  more than 2 hours  for the manual upgrading of "bin-
utils", "gcc" and "glibc", and slightly more than 21.5 hours for the fi-
nal upgrade of "@world",  which had to process a total of 1061 packages.
I'm wondering whether  a fresh install  from a stage 3  "tar" ball would
have been faster?

My first Gentoo installation  on this laptop  back in mid 2019 used pro-
file 17.1 (which is still marked "experimental", by the way).  Now, less
than five years later  this profile set is deprecated.   Is five years a
common intervall between enforced Gentoo profile upgrades?


I had to upgrade about 7 machines, and three wound up having weird troubles - so I did exactly that and started fresh on the rest. Working on the last one (my laptop) right now.


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