On Friday, 5 April 2024 16:21:15 BST Michael Orlitzky wrote:

> Personally, I would try to figure out why boinc doesn't want to stop
> when you tell it to stop.

Actually, it does; all its daughter process do stop straight away. It's just 
that it doesn't report completion when it should.

> But barring that, you could add pre- and post-stop hooks that will let you
> know that the daemon is stopping.
> For example, in /etc/conf.d/boinc, you could put
>   stop_pre(){
>     touch /run/stopping-boinc
>   }
>   stop_post(){
>     rm -f /run/stopping-boinc
>   }
> or something like that. (I haven't tested, but the idea is sound.)
> Then, if that file exists, boinc is stopping.

Outstanding! I'll try that. Thank you Michael.

As to the primary problem, I think the BOINC team aren't entirely in tune with 
the Linux way of doing things - though I could be wrong, of course. They're 
university boffins, after all...  :)


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