John Covici wrote:
> Hi.  Well, I followed the steps in the news item,  to move
> todefault/linux/amd64/23.0/desktop/gnome/systemd
> and it all worked till it wants me to emerge  the whole world file.
> Here is what I get:
> emerge --ask --emptytree @world
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies  .... done!
> Dependency resolution took 4.58 s (backtrack: 0/200).
> !!! Problems have been detected with your world file
> !!! Please run emaint --check world
> !!! Ebuilds for the following packages are either all
> !!! masked or don't exist:
> www-apps/nextcloud:26.0.10
> emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy
> "sys-kernel/gentoo-sources:6.1.69".
> (dependency required by "@kernels" [set])
> (dependency required by "@selected" [set])
> (dependency required by "@world" [argument])
> I don't want to unmerge that kernel -- its my backup kernel, so I
> definitely want to keep it.  I am using the nextcloud they are
> complaining about , I will upgrade it soon, but I want to keep it for
> now.
> So, should I just not do the whole world file at all -- do I really
> need to do that, or wait till I upgrade nextcloud and till I am no
> longer using that kernel and then do it?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I ran into the problem of it complaining about my world file too. 
Running the command it gave didn't show any problems.  I went ahead with
the rest of the change.  After it was all done, that error went away on
its own.  No idea what triggered it or what removed the trigger.  Must
be something to do with the profile switching process.  You can likely
ignore that for now.  See if it goes away for you too. 

I don't know what nascloud is but the error says it is masked or not
there at all.  I'd suspect the mask part since there are several
versions in the tree.  You may want to check your package.mask file and
see if there is something in there that masks it.  Could be you meant to
add the entry to keyword or unmask file but hit the wrong file.  Did
that once myself.  One easy way to see if it exists or is masked, use
this command, provided you have the package for it installed.  I think
gentools has this command.

root@fireball / # equery list -p www-apps/nextcloud
 * Searching for nextcloud in www-apps ...
[-P-] [  ] www-apps/nextcloud-26.0.8:26.0.8
[-P-] [ ~] www-apps/nextcloud-26.0.11:26.0.11
[-P-] [ ~] www-apps/nextcloud-26.0.12:26.0.12
[-P-] [  ] www-apps/nextcloud-27.1.5:27.1.5
[-P-] [ ~] www-apps/nextcloud-27.1.6:27.1.6
[-P-] [ ~] www-apps/nextcloud-27.1.7:27.1.7
[-P-] [  ] www-apps/nextcloud-28.0.1:28.0.1
[-P-] [  ] www-apps/nextcloud-28.0.2:28.0.2
[-P-] [ ~] www-apps/nextcloud-28.0.3:28.0.3
root@fireball / #

Yours should look something like that. 

For the kernels, I don't upgrade the kernel as much as I should.  I keep
all versions masked except the ones I have installed and I add those
versions to the world file, that way --depclean and other stuff, won't
remove or complain so much about it.  Just emerge -n --select y =<your
kernel name and version here>.  Don't forget the equal sign when
including the version. 

Hope one or more of those things help. 


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  While I was typing, Victor had a good idea too.  More than one
way to fix some things.  :-D 

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