On 2/26/24 11:01, Grant Edwards wrote:
On 2024-02-26, eric <eri...@cox.net> wrote:
On 2/26/24 04:57, gentoo-u...@krasauskas.dev wrote:
You could also write a script that keeps all the distros up to date
from within whichever one you're currently booted by mounting
subvolumes to /mnt or wherever, chrooting in and running the update.
To avoid grub not being able to point to a newly updated kernel on one
of the OS's installed, I use a "custom.cfg" file in all my /boot/grub/
directories for each OS where the "linix" and "initrd" point to the
symbolic links of the kernel and init files which point to the newly
updated files on most major distributions like ubuntu, arch, suse, and
debian. The name of the symbolic links stay the same over upgrades. It
works great when using UUID to identify the partition that has root and
I can always boot into any of the OS's installed no matter which one
hijacked the MBR.
Except I generally have multiple kernels installed for each of the
distros, and need to be able to choose which kernel to boot. There are
also various other boot options (e.g. "safe mode") offered by some
distros that I occasionally need to use.

I agree, using the custom.cfg file would not work if needing to boot 
different kernels of the same OS and those kernels were being updated.

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