I think I was able solve my problem, it was as simple as disabling
"jitterbuffer" in iax.conf
I can hear phone voicemail request from the remote asterisk, will know 100% on
Regarding Asterisk I'm on 16.30.1 ; tried emerging ver.18 but my AudioCodes box
wouldn't even register to it.
Conversion scrip (sip->pjsip) will not do any good if the hardware (AudioCodes
boxes, Sipura and other units) are not compatible with pjsip.
Is IAX is gone as well in newer versions?
I have an impression this is the end of old Asterisk that Digium started; very,
very sad :-/
It had good community support.
Newer versions 18+ are not compatible with older hardware and learning
curve/conversion is not worth it.
Sangoma - community support is almost not existent, few folks just bark at you
if one mention still running ver. 16
I'll hang on to 16.30.1 as long as I can.
On 2/2/24 20:55, William Kenworthy wrote:
In v18 sip is still present but deprecated - after this its removed. There is a
conversion script (sip->pjsip) for migration. It required a few sacrificial
chickens and much swearing until I got the upstream trunk to register (iinet in
AU). Its all working good now, the pjsip config is more programmer friendly but
also allows much more complex (read hard to follow/fault find) configuration.
Note that the CLI commands are not equivalent to sip (including help, its now
pjsip) with a different format. After install, but before re-configuration
everything sip related disappears on restart.
On 3/2/24 09:42, John Covici wrote:
On Fri, 02 Feb 2024 19:29:24 -0500,
Thelma wrote:
When did they implement switch-over from sip to pjsip?
I'm using AudioCode boxes.
I emerged and tried to load asterisk ver.18 but the audiocode would not
register. I suppose ver.16 is the end of the line for me.
On 2/2/24 16:39, William Kenworthy wrote:
Yes, was caught out recently by the replacement of sip with pjsip - currently
on v21.0.2 and working (sip only, simple home setup) Also had some weird
problems with two versions installed (so asterisk started on old working
version even though new one was installed - once I ran depclean it failed due
to the sip/pjsip issue.
On 2/2/24 23:26, Thelma wrote:
Anybody on the list using Asterisk?
I need some help.
Have save version of asterisk is working correctly on one computer but the
I would use at least asterisk 18 in all cases and if you can later
versions. pjsip has been the preferred version for a while, sip is
still OK, however.