Il 18/01/24 04:28, Philip Webb ha scritto:
I want to be able to download photos from my new cellphone to Gentoo.
The phone is a Samsung A14 5G ; its pet name is Athene.
I use KDE to manage my desktops on my desktop machine ANB6.
Manjaro suggests soomething called 'MTP' is involved,
perhaps 'Media Transfer Protocol' (?).

Does anyone have any suggestions how to get this to work on Gentoo ?

No KDE nor GNOME here but this works in XFCE:

 $ eix -I gvfs
[I] gnome-base/gvfs
     Available versions:  1.50.6^t 1.52.1^t (~)1.52.2^t {afp archive bluray cdda elogind fuse gnome-online-accounts google gphoto2 +http ios keyring mtp nfs policykit samba systemd test +udev udisks zeroconf}      Installed versions:  1.52.2^t(19:26:52 01/11/24)(cdda elogind fuse http mtp policykit udev udisks -afp -archive -bluray -gnome-online-accounts -google -gphoto2 -ios -keyring -nfs -samba -systemd -test -zeroconf)
     Description:         Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO

Note the mtp USE which pulls in:

[I] media-libs/libmtp
     Available versions:  1.1.21(0/9) **9999(0/9)*l {+crypt doc examples static-libs}      Installed versions:  1.1.21(0/9)(01:14:47 11/15/23)(crypt -doc -examples -static-libs)
     Description:         Implementation of Microsoft's Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)

The phone auto-mounts as soon as you switch Android to 'file transfer' and works well for me, less so for my daughter when she tries to transfer 10's of Gb of videos.


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