240109 Walter Dnes wrote: > I'll soon be switching over from cable to fibre. It's the same ISP, > but I'll be needing to authenticate outbound email on port 587. > Is anybody else doing this ? If so, what changes does ~/.mutt/muttrc need ?
IIRC we both live in/near Toronto, so no doubt Big Bad Bell is responsible. I could no longer use my ISP via Bell, as they can't use fibre (this was recently changed by the Feds, but no doubt only after some delay). Hence I'm now relying on my landlord's free Wifi or my new cellphone's Hotspot facility for the I/net (I fired Bell & now use Koodo, a sub of Telus), but retain my ISP's mail service ( CAD 3 / mth ), for which I too need to authenticate myself for access. My notes tell me (set up Mutt in new machine ANB6) : 'USE="mbox" emerge mutt procmail fetchmail ssmtp' cp fr ANB5 : /etc/ssmtp/ ~/.fetchmailrc ~/.procmailrc /etc/group : add '<username>' to 'ssmtp' and (authenticate for mail access) : Send mail via Wifi : new procedure, as prev'ly no security needed ; now CIN has to be told who it's dealing w. We now need a hostname, so add 'anb6' to /etc/hostname ; in /etc/dhcpcd.conf , add 'hostname anb6' ; make sure 'hostname' service is in 'default' runlevel. Mutt uses its own 'smtp', so we need to add in .muttrc : 'set ssl_starttls=yes set ssl_force_tls=yes set smtp_url="smtp://<username>@smtp.ca.inter.net:25" set smtp_pass="<password>"' We also need in /etc/hosts : ' anb6 localhost' I don't know anything re Port 587 : how do I find out my port number ? BTW I do recommend ca.inter.net (their name) for I/net + e-mail : I've used them happily for 15 years ; they are in Waterloo, Ont. HTH -- ========================,,============================================ SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Cities Centre, University of Toronto TRANSIT `-O----------O---' purslowatcadotinterdotnet