On 07/01/2024 00:52, Peter Humphrey wrote:
On Saturday, 6 January 2024 19:28:05 GMT Wols Lists wrote:
Statistics is one of those areas where, if you don't know what you're
doing and you use the wrong maths, then you are going to get stupid results.
"Statistics tell you how to get from A to B. What they don't tell you is
that you're all at C".
I took a module on statistics in my Open University maths degree 40-odd years
ago. I was bemused. They seemed to say that the subject was founded on two
basic principles; then they proceeded to define each of them in terms of the
Weird! I took a module on statistics in my Open University (Chemistry)
degree 40-odd years ago. Probably the same one? I've still got the
modules as a reference work, though I probably couldn't lay my hands on
them easily now ...
I'm still waiting for the entire edifice to come crashing down around our ears.
Nah - it's been abused for so long nobody's noticed it came down
centuries ago :-)