On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 10:39 AM Peter Humphreey <pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk> wrote:l
> > What am I missing? I have much less powerful hardware than you but libreoffice (as a stand-alone build) generates many more threads than 4 on my “cluster”. I’m also using distcc. On the main box, I set MAKEOPTS=“-j17 -l6” On the other two less powerful ones -l is 5 and 3, but -j is the same. On the main box, /etc/distcc/hosts contains localhost/11 sophie/5,lzo tobey/3,lzo —localslots=11 —localslots_cpp=11 On sophie and tobey (my less powerful boxes) the hosts file contains something similar but specific to those boxes. The localslots and localslots_cpp numbers are 3 on tobey and 5 on sophie, and the order in which the machines are mentioned changes (local machine first, then remote machines in order of power). This configuration is the result of a lot of experimentation rather than just a theoretical calculation. The various guides that discuss how to tune these numbers for best performance were modestly helpful in explaining what the tuning parameters mean, but experimenting and watching the resulting performance was the best teacher. Hope this helps. John Blinka