Wols Lists wrote:
> On 16/10/2023 08:51, Dale wrote:
>> Anyone here have ideas?  Keep in mind, that thing uses systemd.  I
>> thought I hated that before.  I truly hate that thing now.  Trying to
>> figure out how to restart something is like pulling teeth with no
>> pain meds.
> systemctl restart servicename?
> I like systemd, but given my battles with other stuff, I feel your
> pain. Having had to WRITE a service file, though, oh I'm so glad I
> wasn't messing with SystemV or stuff like that!
> Just be warned - I feel about apt stuff just like you feel about
> systemd ...
> But anyways. Does your hard disk kernel have the appropriate module
> for the network card loaded? I can't remember the name of the systemd
> networking service, but did you "systemctl enable" it?
> Oh, and I think it fires up DHCP by default so you don;'t need to
> enable any of that stuff.
> Hopefully those tips will get you somewhere - this is what I remember
> from enabling systemd on gentoo...
> Cheers,
> Wol

I tried to restart a couple things I found during my searches but most
of them no longer exist.  It seems they change names pretty often.  I've
tried to find anything that looks like network to restart but I can't
tell what is what.  I found out it has netplan installed.  I tried a few
things with it but thing is, since it shows as disabled, there's no
device to restart or even start to begin with. 

I looked, the modules are loaded.  I checked both cards and they are
there.  I used lspci -k to get the module names and then lsmod and grep
to see if they listed as loaded.

To be honest, the network has worked fine ever since the install.  Heck,
for a while, the NAS box didn't even have a monitor or keyboard.  I just
power it up, wait a little while, ssh in from my main rig.  From there I
could do anything I needed to.  This time, I had to drag out the monitor
and keyboard to see what is going on. 

I'm kinda stuck.  Since it doesn't work when booting the USB install
image, I can't even just reinstall and start over.  This is plenty odd. 


:-)  :-)

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