On Sunday, 15 October 2023 10:45:45 BST Michael wrote: > The workarounds I have devised are: > > 1. Close Kmail, restart it and keep an eye on the progress bar to confirm it > has finished synchronizing all folders with remote IMAP servers, before I > click on anything else. > > 2. If the above does not succeed I close Kmail and run 'akonadictl stop', > before I restart it. > > 3. If the problem is not resolved, I repeat step 2 above and proceed to run:
Yes, I did allow plenty of time for synchronising - hours, in fact. > akonadictl start > akonadictl fsck (wait for it to finish) > akonadi vacuum (wait for it to finish) I didn't think of that. > then relaunch Kmail. > > 4. A last resort is to launch akonadiconsole, go to the Browser tab and > delete any messages there. > > I anyone knows of a better solution, other than trying alternative mail > clients, please post back. -- Regards, Peter.