Am Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 12:36:13AM -0500 schrieb Dale:
In the real world tho, how do people reading this make passwords that no
one could ever guess?  I use Bitwarden to handle website passwords and
it does a good job.  I make up my own tho when encrypting drives.  I'm
not sure I can really use Bitwarden for that given it is a command line
thing, well, in a script in my case.  I doubt anyone would ever guess
any of my passwords but how do people reading this do theirs?  Just how
far do you really go to make it secure?  Obviously you shouldn't give up
much detail but just some general ideas.  Maybe even a example or two of
a fake password, just something that you would come up with and how. 

For storing passwords, I use app-admin/pass.

For choosing passphrases, I write sentences. I know having space character at a predictable frequence in the passphrase makes it easier to find out, but using phrases makes it easier to come up with very long passphrases (which, I believe, balances the space thing, though I’m no crypto expert), which are also easy to remember.


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