Philip Webb wrote:
> I've built & tested the new machine I was planning in 2022
> & am at the point of designing the partitions.
> For many years, I've used Reiserfs, but it is now obsolescent,
> so I need to choose an alternative.  Reiserfs seemed appropriate
> for a system with a large number of small files.
> Ext4 seems to be used by well-known binary distros.
> What would others recommend ?

When I switched away from Reiserfs, I switched to ext4.  I still use
ext2 for /boot but everything else is ext4.  So far, I haven't had any
problems at all.  I have some file systems that have a lot of small
files, like /usr or /var, but I also have file systems with large
files.  It seems to work for them all.  If you know you will only ever
have large files, you may want to adjust the inodes.  There's a recent
discussion on one of my threads about that.  I have not actually done it
here yet tho.  Depends on just how tight your space requirements are. 

Hope that helps.


:-)  :-) 

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