Hi, This is a bit of a conceptual question, simplified but based on a machine I do own, from someone who knows very little about boot loader implementations. (I.e. - me) Thanks in advance for any pointers you can provide.
Assume a machine with two separate M.2 SSDs. The M.2 devices are identical in size and from the same manufacturer. For the sake of discussion they are partitioned identically and they both have the same distro installed. One is stable, the other is bleeding edge. For simplicity there are no other disk drives involved in either installation. Both installs have the same boot loader, grub2 I guess, and both have configurations that boot themselves by default but offer the other drive as a second option. Assume the bleeding edge system (or the other - it doesn't matter to me) gets a grub2 update, and further assume the update is either automatic or done by someone other than yourself. Whoever did the updates 'tests' the machine by booting into both versions, and both versions are tested as default in BIOS so that no matter what everything appears to be working. THE QUESTION: After the fact, if I wanted to look at the two installations in detail, how would I determine that the grub update was done to the installation doing the update and not done to the other (nearly) identical installation? Thanks in advance, Mark