Holly Bostick wrote: >By the way, what version of gentoolkit do you have installed? If the >last stable (0.2.0-r2), you might very well want to consider unmasking >the unstable version for this package only -- add >"app-portage/gentoolkit ~x86" to /etc/portage/package.keywords-- as >revdep-rebuild is vastly improved (though still not perfect) in the most >recent unstable version. > >
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.2.0-r2 is what I have. I may update it when it gets through with -ev world. >It is within the realm of possiblility that your version of >revdep-rebuild is less trustworthy than mine (I use the unstable >version), so the reason why you're receiving untrustworthy reports, and >I'm saying the application is trustworthy despite this is because my >version *is* reasonably trustworthy and yours is not (which would make >all of the following completely incorrect). > >I understand that all those "brokens" seem like they should be of >concern, but the important thing is that *revdep-rebuild is not offering >to rebuild anything*. What I suspect has happened is that you have >changed your USE flags and possibly run revdep-rebuild based on a >revdep-rebuild -p that you had done prior to changing your USE flags. > > Well, I'm the same way with my car, the house and just about everything else I have. If I think it has something that I *may* can not depend on, I fix it. I would rather fix it than to just hope for the best. I'm one of those that has had my fair share of bad luck so I paln for the worst and hope for the best. Brakes on my car is a good example. I want them to work everytime, not just on occasion. >I say this because I notice that gaim and python both have the tcltk USE >flag available; they must have been compiled at least once with this >flag active for them to require libtk8.3.so and libtcl8.3.so, but now, >even though these libraries are broken, gaim and python are not offered >to be rebuilt-- therefore the optional dependency on these libraries >must have been removed in the meantime. This could occur if you had run >revdep-rebuild -p (which makes a list of the proposed rebuilds based on >the system at that moment), changed your USE flages, removing "tcltk", >then re-emerged gaim and python during the course of a emerge --newuse >world, and then run revdep-rebuild without the -p (which reads the list >created from the previous --pretend run rather than re-evaluating the >system). > > I do have tcltk in the USE section. Pysol, one of my card games, requires it. >All the broken gnome libs depending on libsigc++ (which is where >libsigc-1.2.so.5 comes from) seem to be deep dependencies (no packages >are offered to be fixed related to them); since you appear to be a KDE >user, the only way I see for these libraries to be on your system is >that they were optional dependencies emerged via the +gnome USE flag >(since the direct dependencies for these libraries are not being >mentioned as broken, or offered to rebuild). Perhaps this USE flag has >also been disabled and the applications previously using it rebuilt. > > I have not changed my USE flags in a really long time, that I can recall anyway. It is possible though. >The icewm applications depending on libungif are also not offered to >rebuild, although they are broken w.r.t the libraries, which suggests >that icewm is not in your world file, but is a dependency or deep >dependency of something that is. > >But what's interesting is that icewm does not depend on libungif, but >giflib, which is apparently not broken, and certainly not broken w.r.t >icewm. > >So what it looks like to me is that your system is very sloppy at the >moment, but nothing in fact is broken by some miracle of fate, which is >why revdep-rebuild put out all this output, but offered to fix nothing. > > Well, that is sort of what I am working on here. I want to get everything back up to fubar here. I installed Gentoo a couple years ago and have been doing my updates pretty regular but that is about it really. Time to change the oil so to speak. >Or it's a gigantic bug. but if that was the case, you would likely have >noticed; you would have rather a wide range of programs and DE/WMs that >would not start, such as GNOME, IceWM, and Gaim, which I think you would >have reported if it had happened. > > No Gnome or IceWM here. That gaim sounds familiar though. I may have it but I don't use it. >So I think that revdep-rebuild is telling the truth, and although many >things are bent, nothing is broken and nothing in fact needs rebuilding. > >I would consider an > >emerge depclean -p (do *not* forget the "-p"!!!) > >to begin the process of getting rid of some of these apparently >no-longer needed packages and libraries. > >*Absolutely* look at the list and make sure nothing essential is >suggested to unmerge before attempting an emerge depclean without >--pretend!!!! > > I'll do that in a bit and post what it says, we'll look at and see what is *safe*. LOL > > >>Well, that was the command I was given and copy and paste works. I'm >> a bad typer remember. I copy and paste all I can. It's safer. >> >> > > >That's the command you were given *when*? About the only time you are >"given" that command is when you first install the system. > > Someone posted it in between your posts. Same thread though. What he told me to run did fix a lot of stuff though. I just copy and paste a lot since I type pretty bad. I love that -p though. >Emerge --emptytree rebuilds every package in the system, as if nothing >was installed at all (as if the "tree" was "empty"). Now I don't know >how long it took you to emerge your system, but personally, I have no >particular desire to emerge gcc and glibc and X and KDE and Mozilla and >every single other package on my system all over again, since each one >of those named packages takes at least two hours (some significantly >more, like glibc and X, not to mention something like KDE) to emerge by >itself, so emerging everything would probably take closer to 24 to 36 >hours than like....10 to 18 (which is still a da*m long time, btw) . And >that's assuming everything went perfectly, which it often doesn't. > >The point is, emerge -e "should" only be used in the very most extreme >of emergencies; it's a pretty desperate measure, not to be taken >lightly, and very very rarely necessary. > > I do a emerge -ev world on occasion. If it fails on something, I search the forums and see if I can fix it. All in a effort to keep me stable and efficient here. > >I'm not clear what, at this point, you're trying to fix. The original >issue, revdep-rebuild, is solved, insofar as revdep-rebuild has >completed with no re-emerges necessary, and the xmlto thing should now >be solved as well. > > Just keepng my ducks in a row here. I like them ducks to be beak to tail and in a straight line. One gets out of line, I poke him/her back in formation. LOL >>I do mine each night because I'm on dial-up and it is easier to get >>little tidbits than to wait until there is a new KDE and Open Office >>at the same time. o_O It takes me about three days to get just Open >>Office so I like to nibble on it a bit. >> >> > >Again, do you really *need* to be on the cutting edge every minute of >the day? Especially when on dial-up? What good does the new version of >KDE and Oo.o do for you that you have to upgrade every day? And you >might also consider alternatives-- smaller alternatives-- like abiword >or kwrite. > > I like Open Office but I really like Scribus. Scribus is what they use to lay out newspapers and magizines and such. Really cool program. Same as Quark XPress. I do like to stay up to date. It is one thing I like about Linux and especially Gentoo. It beats windoze for sure. Anything can beat winders though. LOL >Heck, you might consider using icewm or xfce (or openbox or Windowmaker >or fvwm) instead of KDE. > > I LOVE my KDE. I have a slideshow background and over 10,000 pictures for it to flip through. I have a digital camera and can fill up a 1GB card at a single party. >If your means are limited (in terms of bandwidth), then it is well worth >your time to consider how to maximize the effectiveness of what you >spend that bandwidth on. Gentoo is about choice, but choice requires >flexibility, and if you *can't* do everything you want (because you >flatly don't have the bandwidth), then flexibility is a key skill to >develop (how to get the most of what you want with the minimum of outlay). > > I usually connect, sync, fetch, update and let it compile all in one command. I sleep while it does its thing. I have a friend that has DSL and I can go download Open Office on her rig if I need to. I never have but I could. I'm patient. >Revdep-rebuild wasn't able to perform its suggested actions because of >the block, but there are no more suggested actions, so everything is >fine as far as that goes-- nothing is broke. > > I unmerged them both so it would leave me alone. LOL I'm not sure which one is the *correct* one to install. I assume it will sort itself out eventually. >Dynamic linking on your system is consistent... All done. > >means that nothing is broken! It's just bent, and that could be due to >user inexperience; if you ran revdep-rebuild -p after a depclean and/or >after an emerge -uaDNv world, you might find even those 'bent' reports >disappeared. > > I would like to *bend* it back though. If it is bent, it might break. O_O >Just because you put a single book away out of alphabetical order when >at the public library, and the next person wanting it couldn't find it >(because it's in the wrong place) wouldn't mean that the entire library >building >needed to be demolished and rebuilt! > >That's essentially what you're doing, with your emerge -e world. > > I hate when something is out of place. I'm a recovering perfectionist with a bit of OCD mixed in. Now you know. o_O I'm disabled so I have a lot of time on my hands. My computer is what I spend most of my time on. I used to have a garden but it is either to wet or to dry. >As I said, good luck. > >Holly > > I need some good luck, in a lot of ways. My emerge -ev world is going fine so far. I'm on 380 out of 511 and no errors at all. That is what I was looking for. If I can do a emerge -ev world with no errors, I'm solid as a rock. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the help, everybody. Dale :-) -- To err is human, I'm most certainly human. -- gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list