Am Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 12:40:21AM -0500 schrieb Dale:

> Now to replace my /home drive which is also close to full.  It's not
> encrypted tho. The biggest difference in this and plain LVM, resizing
> with cryptsetup or close and reopen.  Keep in mind, while I did all
> this, LUKS, cryptsetup, whatever was open.

I recently learnt that you can encrypt an unencrypted devices on-the-fly.
Kinda neat. It is also resilient to hard interruptions like power-offs.
See man cryptsetup-reencrypt.

But if you want to replace the drive anyways, it may be faster to set up a
new device and rsync the files in the last step. I always use these kinds of
opportunities to weed out old cruft on my filesystem.

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