On 2022-09-08 12:52-0400 Alan Grimes <alonz...@verizon.net> wrote:

> […]
> Right now linux is so broken that the CUPS web interface will deny
> all attempts to administer the printer and reject any password. The
> config file is written in moonspeak, I just need the motherfucking
> thing to say yes when I tell it to do a thing. I expect it to take
> 2-3 days just to get over this hurdle.

I solved this problem by replacing the contents of every <Location>
block with:

  Order allow,deny
  Allow localhost
  Allow from fd69:0:0:0:*
  Allow from 192.168.69.*
> How can people actually go around installing linux on people's
> computers as if they were doing them a favor when it really is this
> bad?

It's not bad at all if you use a distribution with a better default
configuration, pre-installed drivers and a pre-installed GUI for setting
up the automatically detected printer in less than 5 clicks.
Unless you have a printer from a shitty company, of course.

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