ralfconn wrote:
> On 8/28/22 14:24, Dale wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> As most know, I got a much faster internet and I use torrent software,
>> quite a lot.  I was using Ktorrent and it was OK but it was slow.  I
>> started using Qbittorrent and like it better in a way but it has its own
>> speed issues and both affect my desktop response.  I did some googling
>> and used top to figure out that they are using a LOT of memory for
>> cache.  At times, it uses well over half my memory just for cache.  It
>> also gets to a point where it is using swap even tho I have swappiness
>> set to 1, basically use swap only to prevent a crash from out of memory
>> problems.  We all know how slow swap use can make things.  As it is, I
>> reduced the number of active files which is not something I want to do.
>> If I receive, I like to send as well.  After all, someone sent to me as
>> well.  What I would like to do is limit the amount of memory torrent
>> software can use.  I don't know exactly how to do that tho.  It's not
>> something I've ever done.
>> Is this something I do on the command line or a setting is some file
>> somewhere?  I don't even know where to start on this.  By the way, I'm
>> maxed out at 32GBs of memory for this mobo.  So adding memory isn't a
>> option.  Is there even a mobo that has a 64GB option??? :/
> Not really an answer to your question but here I never had
> speed/responsiveness/memory issues with transmission (Xfce, 16Gb RAM,
> 50Mbit/s network bandwidth ):
> [I] net-p2p/transmission
>      Available versions:  3.00-r1^t (~)3.00-r4^t **9999*l^t
> {appindicator cli gtk lightweight mbedtls nls qt5 systemd test web}
>      Installed versions:  3.00-r4^t(01:14:38 PM 05/29/2022)(cli nls
> -appindicator -gtk -lightweight -mbedtls -qt5 -systemd -test)
>      Homepage:            https://transmissionbt.com/
>      Description:         A fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client
> I use it without GUI (-gtk -qt5) because I find the web interface just
> fine. Also, being server-based it runs regardless of who's logged into
> the PC, which is a plus here.
> raffaele

I may look into that.  Just to see if it is even better than Ktorrent
and Qbittorrent.  Never know.  I may like it like Mikey.  lol  It's a
old TV commercial. 

I'm not sure what happened but it started acting better.  One, I did
remove a lot of items that were just sitting there.  Then I removed some
that had a high share ratio, I did a lot of sharing.  There was also a
update to QBT but at first it didn't help any.  It was after a few
restarts that it seemed to improve.  I did notice that at one point it
was uploading around 60 or 70MB/sec and desktop response slowed some but
not as bad as before.  I guess I need to limit what it uploads a bit.  I
know how to do that. 

So, I think the update improved things but took a few restarts to kick
in or something.  Removing some unused files helped too.  I wonder if I
could use torrent on a Raspberry Pi?  :-)  lol 

By the way, I notice this in df and mount:

root@fireball / # df -h | grep group
cgroup_root                 10M     0   10M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
root@fireball / # mount | grep group
cgroup_root on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs
openrc on /sys/fs/cgroup/openrc type cgroup
none on /sys/fs/cgroup/unified type cgroup2
gvfsd-fuse on /run/user/1000/gvfs type fuse.gvfsd-fuse
portal on /run/user/1000/doc type fuse.portal
root@fireball / #

I guess cgroups is enabled but I never touched any of it.  Only read a
few threads on here about it. 

Thanks to all.


:-)  :-) 

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