On Sunday, 6 March 2022 12:27:47 GMT John Covici wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Mar 2022 06:18:33 -0500,
> Wols Lists wrote:
> > On 06/03/2022 09:39, John Covici wrote:
> > > Hi.  On my gentoo box, no application including ping can access
> > > www.youtube.com.  However, a dig is doing it correctly, so I can not
> > > understand what is happening.  A restart of named, gives me the same
> > > result.  This is very baffling to me.  If I change the URL to just
> > > youtube.com, it tries to work till the redirect to www.youtube.com and
> > > then stops dead.
> > > 
> > > Am I doing something wrong?  My windows box is doing this correctly.
> > > 
> > > Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> > 
> > cat /etc/hosts?
> > 
> > I'm sure you'd remember if you'd messed about with it, but a
> > redirect there would explain it ...
> No joy there, it looks like anything on the web under youtube
> redirects to www.youtube.com, what I can't figure out is even if I
> ping it, it says name or service not known, but dig sees it.

I don't run named, so I'm not sure if some configuration issue is at play with 
your setup.  Did you try traceroute?  I am able to ping 'www.youtube.com' as 
well as 'youtube.com'.  They resolve to different IPv4 addresses, but the same 
IPv6.  When I run traceroute the route deviates 3 hops before the target, 
whether I use ICMP, or TCP on ports 80 and 443.

Therefore it seems there is a URL redirect on youtube.  When tested from here 
the redirection is not on the same webserver, but to some other server/farm 
hidden behind Google's vast estate and reverse proxies.  The routing from your 
network to Google would be specific to your location.

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