John, On Thursday, 2022-02-24 09:59:50 -0500, you wrote:
> ... > I use script for that purpose and it works great, the output is > complete and I can just say no and its all there. Nice idea. However, I'd like to keep things as simple as possible, be- cause an important usecase for me is installing a new or fixing an ex- isting system after booting from a USB stick. The "script" binary is in package "sys-apps/util-linux" which belongs to "@system", so it SHOULD be on my USB stick. Like "cmp" and "diff" from package "sys-apps/diff- utils" which belong to "@system" too, but which were NOT on my USB stick when I used it to install my current system about three years ago, or at least they were not in "PATH" (I then didn't frantically need these, so I didn't really search for them). I do not know what "nano" (the only editor then available) will do with all the control characters in the "script" output file, and "scriptre- play" doesn't seem to offer any interactive control. I do have a "gawk" based shell function which turns a "script" output file into a normal text file containing command log + standard output + standard error sans any control characters, but this will not yet be available in that situ- ation. So I'm still preferring "tee" here which definitely WAS on my USB stick. Sincerely, Rainer