On Sun, 20 Feb 2022 at 15:40, Dr Rainer Woitok <rainer.woi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But if I understand the "emerge" manual page correctly, "--changed-deps"
> causes a rebuild of a package,  if one of its  dependencies has been re-
> build, even though the package does not require the newer version of the
> dependency.  So does it really make sense  to have this option hardcoded
> in a script?   Or does it just cause  plenty of package rebuilds without
> any real effect?  Likewise, what about "--deep"?  Should I keep it?

"--deep" seems like a good idea, to minimise the chance of trouble,
but "--changed-deps" does indeed seem excessive.

I also have "--oneshot" in my updates, although I'm not sure if this
actually makes a difference on a world update.

I also have "--backtrack=100" to minimise the risk of portage not
being able to find an upgrade path for some troublesome package. Just
as "--deep" it will add to the time portage needs to calculate what
packages to update, but it feels like I've had less instances of
upgrade path troubles since adding it to my regular world update


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