On 2022-01-18 22:17, Grant Taylor wrote:
Age of something doesn't mean a lot.
- TCP/IP is from the 80s and yet we are still using it.
- OSI is newer than IPv4.
- IPv6 is newer than IPv4 and OSI.
Yet we are still talking about the venerable IPv4.
Age migth mean a lot when we are talking about software. Modern software
usually is easier to configure, has sane defaults, more secure and has
integration with other modern software. And is much more popular in the
community meaning better support.
I view adding /additional/ software / daemons as poor form, especially
when the /existing/ software can do the task at hand.
I'm was not talking about adding software, I was talking about replacing
software. Time saved in managing complex software that does a simple
task can be applied elsewhere.
In regards to "already having a software" most modern applications don't
require "having" them. It works out of the box, usually with one command
and you can switch parts of your infrastructure without pain thanks to
containers (or statically linked binaries in golang and rust) without
downtime (if done right).
Don't overlook the port conflict.
Dynamic ports with service discovery == no port conflicts.
Why start the email asking why something old is used and then finish
the email suggesting the possibility of using something else old?
Not that old as apache. Nginx is still widly used (contrast to apache),
but is being replaced by caddy/traefik. Apache is ancient and I've never
seen it running in production.
Nginx is from the same (premicroservice) age as apache and will probably
we easier to understand than something like Traefik.