On 2022-01-15 22:38+0800 Andrew Lowe <a...@wht.com.au> wrote:

> Dear all,
>       I'm in the process of fiddling around with the config of my
> kernel. This means using the "menu config thingy" that "make
> menuconfig" builds. It is very frustrating. Does anyone know why
> stuff is not in alphabetical order? It's a pain in the clacka trying
> to find some of the entries. For example "Device Drivers -> Android".
> You would expect it to be near the top of the device drivers, but no,
> it's near the bottom.
>       No, I'm not expecting anyone to "fix" it, just basically a
> whinge.
>       Andrew

Yeah, someone should clean that thing up… But I guess a lot of people
would complain because they are used to the current structure. 😄

Did you know you can search with / and then jump to the results with
the number keys?

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