On Sun, 26 Dec 2021 11:42:41 -0500, Philip Webb wrote:

> I want to login to a remote site <aaaaa.bbbbbbbb.cc> using 'ssh'.
> The response I get is "Unable to negotiate with <nnn.nnn.nnn.n> port
> <nn>: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss".
> Yesterday, I updated 'openssh' :

It sounds like the host may be running an old version of sshd that only
offers ciphers that are now disabled by default in newer releases. You
can get round this by enabling those ciphers for this host, with
something like this in ssh_config

Host aaaaa.bbbbbbbb.cc
    Ciphers +ssh-rsa

Neil Bothwick

Last words of a Windows user: = Why does that work now?

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