Yes, but the image does not need to be up-to-date, since you only use it temporarily; everything else is done in a chroot environment. One thing to mention, though: The LiveDVD can be booted from UEFI, which you will need to finalise[2] the Gentoo installation on a UEFI system.

As William already mentioned, you can boot from almost any Linux live media and install Gentoo[1] from there.


[2] See important note:

On 11/07/2021 15:11, Dongliang Mu wrote:
On Sun, Jul 11, 2021 at 1:23 AM Ramon Fischer <> wrote:
In addition to this:

I did some further research about this, since I actually never thought
about getting the Kernel sources without having an installed Gentoo system:

You may take a look at one of the HTTP mirrors[1], preferably one in
your country and navigate to "/releases/<cpu_architecture>/". There you
will find a Live DVD image - "livedvd-amd64-multilib-20160704.iso" for
example - from which you could boot from; either virtually in VirtualBox
or other virtualisation solutions or directly from hardware.

Click on "Login" to login and get the Kernel sources from
Thanks for your effort. But it seems such livecd is not maintained
anymore. The latest version is 20170118 [1], right?




On 10/07/2021 14:24, William Kenworthy wrote:
On 10/7/21 7:40 pm, Ramon Fischer wrote:
Hello Dongliang,

you could retrieve kernel configuration files from a "Minimal
Installation CD"[1] of Gentoo. Mount it and look for

But I guess, you want a untouched version, don't you?

Hi, to expand on this - Gentoo doesn't really have a standardised kernel
config - the nearest to that is the above install CD, or the default
generic catchall "genkernel" one - most people seem to manually
configurate and tune/customise a .config and then copy it from system to
system.  There are a few bin(ary) kernels in portage/sys-kernel/* that
might work for you but I have never tried them.

You can boot almost any linux live media on your target hardware and
extract the config (sysrescuecd is a good one) and use their sources, or
build the kernel using their config on top of Gentoo's vanilla-sources,
or gentoo-sources.

Or grab another distros boot directory (containing the kernel, initrd
and config files), the matching /lib/modules directory and boot that
instead of building your own (I do this often on uboot based arm systems
and raspberry pi's.)

Or ask on the list if someone has a config that matches your target
(occasionally it comes up).



On 10/07/2021 11:15, Dongliang Mu wrote:
Hi Gentoo users,

I am a newbie to Gentoo. For Debian, I can get configuration files
from Debian packages. I wonder if possible to get the kernel
configuration files of Gentoo.

If this question is invalid, please let me know.


My best regards to you.

        No System Is Safe!
        Dongliang Mu

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