On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 14:07:30 -0800 gentuxx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Just wondering if there was an "optimal" time to update one's system.
| Meaning, is there a global/bulk "cvs commit" done once a day, that we
| should wait for? Especially concerned about security patches - can we
| *safely* assume that if the GLSA is out, that the updated versions are
| available?

Under normal circumstances, CVS to rsync runs every half hour, with up
to an hour and a half(?)'s lag depending upon which rsync mirror you
use. As for commits, most of us are European or American, so there're a
few hours in the day (~UTC0500) when things are really quiet, but apart
from that there's no real timing.

Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Vim, Shell tools, Fluxbox, Cron)
Mail            : ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web             : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm

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