Howdy, As some may recall, I use external drives as backups. They are encrypted and I use cryptsetup to open and close them. Open works fine but close gives me trouble at times. It doesn't always do this but it does it more often than not. It's getting annoying.
Drive one. It's a 6TB drive and when it gave this error a few minutes ago, I restarted udev-trigger to correct it. When I try to close it, it says it is in use. But restarting udev-trigger reset it so I could close it. Drive two, when I tried to close it, it gives me this: root@fireball / # cryptsetup close 8tb Device 8tb is still in use. root@fireball / # mount | grep 8tb root@fireball / # As you can tell, it is not mounted. When I mount, I do it manually from a fstab entry. I just do mount /mnt/8tb and it mounts it. I use umount to unmount it. Old school but it works. Thing is, for some reason it shows it is in use even tho it is not mounted. Even restarting udev-trigger didn't work this time. I can't figure out what is doing it exactly and think it is something besides cryptsetup having a problem. I'm actually thinking udev for this reason. I do my backups while I'm updating the OS. When I do my updates, all my firefox profiles are closed and I'm not downloading new files. So that is when I do my backups. Last time it did this, I went to boot runlevel and restarted udev itself. That reset it so I could close the drive and cut it off. Thing is, I'd like a proper fix for this or a good sound way to reset it without having to do all that. Sometimes all I need is to logout and back in after updates. Restarting udev and such shouldn't be required. If it matters, both drives are in identical enclosures and use the same cable and power source. One is a SMR and the other a CMR. One is 6TB and one is 8TB. Both are encrypted the same way. Both use eSATA, not USB. I used USB before and it may have been the enclosure but it ruined drives. I could never depend on it so I switched to eSATA. So, anyone else run into this and have a solution for it? Do I have something set up wrong or is this a bug in some package somewhere? I've googled and seen where others have the problem but their solutions don't seem to work and most are very old posts. Need some ideas and thoughts here. Thanks. Dale :-) :-) P. S. I took some meds so I hope the above makes sense. The meds are working well right now but I need to close the drive so I can put it back in the safe. :/