Hello, Walter.

On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 17:05:07 -0400, Walter Dnes wrote:
>   It was nice to have a newer "hot backup" (XPS8940) to switch over to
> quickly when an older machine started locking up occasionally.  Now I
> need a "hot backup" for the newer machine that I ordered last October.
> Dell Inspirons seem to top out at 12 gigs ram, so I'm looking for an XPS
> model in order to get more ram as the bloating of linux continues.  All
> current XPS models seem to have 256G or 512G M.2 PCIe NVMe Solid State
> drives in the base configuration.  Questions...

> * do NVMe drives function well under Gentoo (driver issues, etc)?

Yes.  Without reservation.  You need to enable NVMe in the kernel, and
there is a user-level program for doing things to them (like checking
number of reads/writes).  There is no great problem setting up a boot
loader, any more than for any other sort of drive.

> * how long do they hold up (wear and tear)?

I've had a pair of Samsung 500Gb nvmes in RAID-1 in my 4 year old
machine since it was new.  As yet I've had no problems with them.  In
fact, the machine has never known spinning rust.

> * can I simply disable them if I run into problems?

If you've got something to fall back onto, yes.

>   If someone can suggest an alternate supplier to Dell, that ships to
> greater Toronto, at similar prices, I'd be willing to take a look at
> them.

I can't comment at all on that.  I built my machine from components.
The only slightly tricky bit was finding a PCIe card to hold the second
NVMe drive.

> -- 
> Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
> I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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